On The Why

Home » On The Why


For some time I have considered launching a personal digital space. A space that would allow me to share my knowledgde and thoughts in a more formalised manner. I wasn’t sure what kind of form such a space should be.

My eventual choice turned out to be a traditional blog website, although I’m not sure if in 2023 this is still ‘cool’. What tipped the scale was a question of ownership. If you compare Web to a real estate market, an old-school WordPress feels like a decent flat in a good neighbourhood you bought with cash, as opposed to, for example, social media like Twitter or Medium, which are more like a short-term rental.

The Actual Why

Throughout most of my above-childhood life, I have majorily sourced my knowledge from publicly-available content. First of all, I feel a need to reciprocate that a bit and offer some of this knowledge back, this time refined by my own experiences.

Secondly, over the years I came up with several ideas and thoughts that sounded well (in my head, at least). Putting them into writing may check if they actually make any sense. Next to that, writing is a great way to generate new ideas, as Paul Graham writes.

Lastly, there is a business aspect, too. On this more in the Monetisation part.


The content of this website will mostly revolve around digital marketing, data and similar aspects of digital business. Many of the posts here will probably be more in a ‘self-help’ form, while other may be more essay-like. Eventually, I’d love to see this space evolve into something more about business and life in general, although it’s better to specialize then generalize from the very start.

Some of the content on this website may not be 100% correct or not correct at all. I will always try to provide you the best information I have available. In a constantly evolving landscape of digital business we will always deal with a lot of uncertainties.


After some considaration, I’ve decided to stick to English as the primary language, in order to be accessible for a broader audience. Many of the content of the website may be in my native Polish, most likely when I feel that there are no good information available on a subject in the Polish side of Web. Some of the pages may be available in both of the languages.


As 98% sites on the Internet*, this page was made to make money. You will probably see some of the premium materials available at a price. I aim for them to be more ‘actionable’, while the informational content shall remain free.

Other than that, I consider this site to be a bit of a personal portfolio for anyone interested in hiring me for my services.

*I counted